SAICM–United Nations Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management
Pat Morrison (standing) - Assistant to the General President for Occupational Health, Safety and Medicine - International Association of Fire Fighters
Mick Tisbury (seated) - Commander, Melbourne Fire Brigade, United Firefighters Union of Australia
CBRC supported members of the International Association of Firefighters in their testimony concerning phase-out of AFFF (PFAS containing fire fighting foam) at the Stockholm Convention Conference of Parties in Geneva 2019.
CBRC works internationally by participating in discussions that address chemical regulation and management.
SAICM is intended to be a policy framework to promote chemical safety around the world. Its mandate states that, “The consumption of chemicals by all industries and modern society’s reliance on chemicals for virtually all manufacturing processes make chemicals production one of the major and most globalized sectors of the world economy. Acknowledgement of the essential economic role of chemicals and their contribution to improved living standards needs to be balanced with recognition of potential costs. These include the chemical industry’s heavy use of water and energy and the potential adverse impacts of chemicals on the environment and human health. The diversity and potential severity of such impacts makes sound chemicals management a key cross-cutting issue for sustainable development. “
CBRC participates in virtual working groups (VWGs) charged with developing proposals that address governance and mechanisms needed to support implementation of final SAICM agreements. The outcomes of the VWGs will be presented for discussion during the next intersessional process meeting in mid-summer 2021.